Tuesday, January 31, 2012
goodnight moony membranes
poem about old friends
Rachel collaboration
actor for everyone's dad
Love Poem, Theoretical Practice
the 51st state
it is the end,
some music so familiar, always,
and then it ends,
some feelings
are from movies,
and then they end,
quaking hands,
wet blue paint,
our ramble talk,
the idle car,
some salts, some smells,
will always bring
back forever point,
where we decide,
to be much better,
before the
more than friends
i'll keep you warm
i love you
i want to see you
i'll fly there
if you let me know
where you are
the couch isn't as comfortable
as you'd like it to be
your oldest is still
and happy
and sad
it's not easy to wake up at
six in the morning
talk to you at nine
you look beautiful
your face looks beautiful
i hope i see you tonight
jan 31
it looks like a large pile of feces
too big to be mouse turds
even a rat could not produce that
feels hard like something melted
and formed into that coiled shape
could it have been a snake?
no, definitely not or we'd see some dried up skin
better get the custodian to scrape it out
but seriously
what on earth could that hard chocolate brown coiled up pile be?
On Riverside Road
I do not really have faith in Vivi, or Grace, or Bella.
Stefan I trust you with your grandpa

mystery money
Im dancing in the rain, cuz it beats swimming in my tears
but ive had so many rainy days that i fear what may follow is more rain,
im happy dancing in the rain,
hearing the splish, splash of my footfalls,
laughing at the whistle of the droplets bouncing off awnings and trashcans,
dragging behind me an umbrella that has never been opened
to catch but a drop,
rain, rain go away, come again some other day
(repeat till you feel like you've wasted enough time),
the rain will come as will the sun...
but for now ill just enjoy dancing in the rain,
this is the driest ive been in a long time
daily practice 31
reading poem
titles & first lines
until something
snags me
chokes me up
knock me down
break both my legs
smash my kneecaps
with a hardwood 2x4
kill me
like a photo Polaroid
in your white borders.
With a short
a cropped moment
you caught me
Camera eyes
snapped me up
and now I am a picture
a narrative in black and white
4am in vegas
But proves to be hours
to find her curled up in my lap
And i don't mind
At all
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Monday, January 30, 2012
love poem
there is a poem
Oh, T.,
I'm sorry that you're a hot mess and I wish there were something I could do to help you out of it (or into it more comfortably). I wish to be implicated in your destruction (but of course that's your decision, not mine). I'm sorry I wish it. I wish I didn't wish what I do, and I wish I didn't apologize so often. I'm sorry.
All siblings are lovers, anyway, and all lovers siblings. I'm sorry this message.
or they will stay
i want them to come out and play
then you must sit and wait
the time will come
when the game of life and death begins
coffee table book
Locked In Syndrome
i can tell you
to i can tell you to dock in a lake
i can rest or i figured it out
when i was at the end
of being totally
i can give you something from ten years ago
that proves
there isn't anything else that proves that i didn't
figure out
new england
sleep on your hair i can
sleep or wash my hair
i can tell you what to
get up or sit in a squat
or make a declarative statement.
Moves me
You dance for me around your cold room in the Bronx,
an erection pushing your pants forward.
You look like a fresh-faced Cunningham student,
all slight lines and switches.
Will you teach me before the audition?
But for you there may not be much to learn.

That bounced when she laughed
On Christmas she wore reindeer sweatshirts
and the reindeer pranced when she laughed
My Grandma Evie used to check to see if we were cold
by sticking her hand down the front of our shirt
pressing against our chests
with her frozen wrinkled hands
My Grandma Evie didn't have much money
so she always gave us 5 dollars in cash
on Birthdays and Holidays
we got kitten puzzles and jazz cassettes
My Grandma Evie lived alone
because she was divorced
Poppy cheated on her,
was a drunk and a bad dad
but I still loved him the most
My Grandma Evie died a year ago
My mom and dad sat with her and
watched as her eyes rolled back
and she took her last breath
asking them, am i dead yet?
My Grandma Evie always kept pictures of
her grandchildren around her television set
She organized family reunions
where she spoke of the time they lived in Rifton
and how she wished that she still did
Keep on lifting unbuttoned yellow shirt(love keeps lifting me)
Higher over a white tshirt(lifting me)
Higher and higher socking and flailing and rockin(higher)
I said your love on the crowded dance floor(your love keeps lifting me)
Keep on 12:30 AM drunk on water and whiskey (love keeps lifting me)
Lifting me you're an exciting stranger beside me(lifting me)
Higher and higher I'm falling for you all over again(higher)
the bones
they are not dry or jangly
they are not like bamboo windchimes
They are not like bird bones
They are not so good for flying.
The bones are warm and wet and pulsating
The bones are hard yes
but not as rock as hard or wooden furniture
maybe like a living tree in its wetness and density
The bones are heavy and full of flop
They delight to spread
They don't get any longer when they stretch
They are effortless to lift
But the bones do not clatter when they fall
But the bones do tumble in a heap.
When the bones see the eyes can become smaller
not the sensory delight of skin touch or muscle knead and stretch
but another profound delight
an understanding of dense objects
an unmitigated bone-on-bone touch
the ease of fall and lift
never like a machine
but still the engineering of masterful components
each one perfectly shaped for its work
each bone delights to do its work.
The bones are not ego
The bones are not emotional
The bones are not insecure.
The bones are slightly insensitive
The bones are a little brutish
The bones move in lizard joy
In the plainness of skeletal existence.
Gold Bird
3 o'clock
softly turn
3 o'clock
softly turn
the sheikh's daughter
her clockwork head
chiffon veils write her name
slicing through dense fog - am I hot or cold? am I hungry?
raptor head
dancing in the river current
there are things I'm not seeing
bronze sculpture rotating
wherever I am
appropriate, accidental,
like most things.
Low-riders, hard-turners,
scratches at the base like
the world wants revenge.
In the mountains,
the company station-wagon,
whose windshield I cracked
with an 8 foot plank.
I don’t know my lumber,
not really, nearly,
switched, instead
to Jamie’s old sedan,
sham Jesus on the dash
that locals took for true.
Then back, to the original,
my parent’s second best,
trim flapping on the freeway,
peace sticker stuck still,
borrowed car cassette,
side A “Whiskey”, side B “Gin”.
That song – “I Got Loaded”
forever on repeat, but
I don’t get loaded,
not really, nearly,
just flushed, wistful, winded,
behind the wheel,
still don’t know how
to balance beers in consoles,
definitely don’t
know how to be country.
Someone please write,
not really, not nearly,
the song about that.
class time
One Foot in the Past and One Foot on the Page
Another summer spent bruising like fruit.
You got on a plane and cried as the sun set
over America, picking at your wound:
the scab is a reminder to forget
the web of smells of soap and weed and skin -
go tell your brain that we are not a moon
and he’s no planet to be orbiting.
Go write another manifesto in your room.
Mid-winter air feels thin, you stand and watch
the water churn and still, the levels rise
tnd drop, fresh water meets the brackish ice.
Look up, find Venus blinking in the sky -
you hear gates open, bridges split and lift -
she’s on the precipice, about to shift.
the fiery texture
of great friendship,
necessary, historical –
remember how you felt I’d slipped?
I remember how we’d hoist our pants
and glance sideways our yellow eyes,
re-heat the sugar coffee
until it melted
itself, and us.
Dumb relativism forever tell me what i desire I am scared of my desires my desires are not my desires we can now speak for our cats not with them for
in bad way yr freNds don't see or agree
o is it u
Some ofnyall being so mean
what a form for hurting the gutted
"June was white
U hve no skills
u hv no dear
u hve no hope
u hav no joy
Be mean to me I like it funny
please accessorize them
u look so sticky Im scared to touch u
I died when I was 23
how did I die
I ate u
I Hi hi please make me the agent of my desires
I hate my desires
they're so normal
and resentful
like so gross
I feel so real
I like to hurt u so obliquely
so slowly
Ok go ahead
ok go ahead
ok go ahead
we never talk
where do we meet
when money
Anna wintour
Joan didion
U must feel scared and insecure
ww r a poster now
we r a poster
up up up
long long long
loud loud loud
the new scare is heating
under aphoric
axis turnip
upper incher
werthing urge
vulvis crouche loop
ask for anchor
I am disappointed in this poem I am writing at my Job
which I own like a girlfriend
thy is abrazilian numer
using the new space
the special space
I don't trust my analyst
your critique is just reiterating
hyperbole is no longer critical
Let's make a highschool
I don't read
I'm trying to be u
my humiliation at the garden party
yr so literal baby
it's a poem
Will u write a poem
let me get bak to u
U wanna write a poem
I'll write back
U hve so pretty u mut feel good all the time
I never
my fake penis keeps releasing little bits of pee for my clothes
look at the angry men in the zoo
how can u be mad about anything man
what words are u thinking of man
in your man head
u think like man
so man
u need new ways of saying u mad man
u so mad man
so mad and then so gentle
So Lonely
and angry
I like all the things you are doing with your face
I like moving my face when it is near your face and your face is also moving
Caucasianfeeling for the at home
kill the uncle
kill the uncle in the day to night
do u identify as a broet
do u know only bros like u
save the woman
u r a vat
u r batting
I hate maybself
want expression
am I psycho
can anyone tell me
will anyoe help me
can help my sister
what if we watch the mvie help
the help movie
help movi
the help Is a movie
I'm words on paper this is paper
I hate that man
do u hate me
u have money
I will never be squishy w u
u touch me like bullies do
in the help
this is a teen poem
I am writing as an other because I am
Y-ing and X-ing
ad infinitum w a argentine accent
u all baggy now
like be seventeen
alll thirty year olds go away
Lover go away
go away
you r away
go away your love is too long
Which of the words does not belong
Naturally straight
heir tumbling
me silly
Thomas be mean
be mean
hide those cheeks
so early
for me
I've got lots of old
it's all over me
like I ammaggie smith in yr life
U r serious
I am crazy
there is no help for anyone and Boone can see what anyone I'd rcperibdhgzbjcbkc
Digging in the yard
Digging up squirrels
And in the charm of my own sweat
I find you
Catching fireflies with tongues
But when
every wish made has its consequence
I shall never wish again
Not to say I will never kiss again
Just no longer will I close my eyes so tight
No longer will my hearts whisper
Take flight
The angels may pass
In silent delight
Bask in the evervesence
I dwell in a reality based in dream
I sing the lullabuy
Of futures unseen
With my eyes closed tight
I cast my net into the stream
Here on a dock
the night sky shines down on me
Listen to the wind sing
Watch the moon's glow
See a dream fade
Faster than a rainbow
Wish I may
Wish I might
Have the wish I wish tonight
May it be my last
Off lips take flight
a lovers heart beats
Silent in sight
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Sunday, January 29, 2012
the world, or save it
a lot of blue cars
backed into their spots
ready to bolt for a crime
inside the officers circle
up for roll call, men and women
broad-shouldered in blue
crisp smiles, curt nods
crass jokes, all the severe
preparation for disaster
She stops my tears
Happen spontaneously
Almost like a ritual
A random ritual of my causing
A reminder of my fault
I try to give her my strength
My shoulder
My heart accepts blame that my ego cannot deny
So I allow her to cry
Accept her guilt ridden "i love you"s
When she's caught doing wrong
As much as I hate it
I continue to let her go on
As she wants
As she needs
I allow her to lead me
Out of near insanity.
Because she is what I need
To remain strong.
To stay together
Together we walk hand in hand
We lay
He head in my shoulder
Nestled in the nook of my neck
I hold her like its the last day
Each night
Until she feels safe
And it is okay
For me to let go.
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Fence walking

Giving Up
old age red sauce, arm in a sleeve
arm in a sleeve
blueberry binge, sonnet tank head
inevitable enemy, foot in a shoe
foot in a shoe
"Do you remember Peggy?"
Maybe if I saw her (sock grows long,
sock grows long.)
No need to pull up
or adjust, to powder or
arm in a arm in a arm in a shoe shoe shoe shoe shoe
speaking, and reading about his
apartments and lifestyle, and now
I'm sure the FBI is watching me.
The speeches don't get me.
They were only political events.
Hitler was a good speaker, but
ultimately the speech is only
a performance.
I wonder what he thought of himself.
What gets to me is what we share--
every year on my birthday,
there's someone celebrating his.
there's a dry stone wall in my heart
chromatic insomnia
i improvised these lyrics in a song i wrote today
he only wants to be what you want to see
and though he tries his best to please
the look you give him never puts him at ease
what do you want from me
i'll try to be what you want me to be
i can do whatever you want me to do
could not invent it poem
He worked for my uncle's catering company
We served hors d'oeuvres together at my grandparent's 50th anniversary party.
When I was 13 my uncle took my mom and I shopping for carpets and couches in the Bronx
We gave Kenny a ride upstate
because he got drunk and crashed his car into a line of parked cars
I sat behind him staring at his left tricep on the arm rest
as he spoke to my mom
When I was 25 Kenny had gotten out of rehab
and helped me move into my new apartment in Soho
We joked about how filthy my mattress was
as I tried not to think about from where each stain had come
When I was 26 my mom told me that Kenny was in the hospital
because he overdosed on crystal meth
My uncle visited him once before he washed his hands clean
Kenny is on his own now.
When I was 13 I joined track
and watched Kenny Smith run laps around his opponents
the fastest runner, the fastest mile
I had ever seen
When I was 24 I began my first teaching job
and I met a paraprofessional named Kenny B.
who worked with Robert who had crutches
and chased after 6'7 boys named Demetrius who chased after 5 foot boys named Sean Neblett
Kenny B. had to be the one to try to stop it
as Demetrius lifted Sean into the air
and dropped him
Kenny B. would sit in the back writing his screenplay,
as Robert sat at his desk scribbling his notes,
hoping to get the play sold
so his life could be more than
following around kids who haven't figured out what they need to do to pass
When I was 26 Kenny B. hugged me goodbye
as I left my first teaching job behind
When I was 26 I started my second teaching job
and this is where I met Kenny Naughton,
a student who told me he couldn't write a short story
about zombies
but could write anything about vampires
When I was 27 I wondered when I would see my uncle's friend Kenny again
how this is not about food and girls in massachusetts
or - the touch the feel of things i like is enough but not to be let alone.
in New York City, running into
other dates, also out on dates.
My dispatch is:
here it’s not
quite that.
Though yesterday I molded
a shallow pumpkin scone, yellow
instead of orange,
heard old forgotten harmony
as the flour fell
the sift.
The house felt like
a ship about to topple, bamboo at
the window, blowing,
even as my mom tried out
something on piano,
first time since I’ve been home.
I read your story early this morning,
one long breath
seasoned with your signatures.
At some point past, I know
we all had a picture
of how we would become,
tiger girl running towards
the campfire, adults in houses,
full on light and yogurt.
P- Jon B
one step after another leads me forward
than your mind holding regrets
did you say the right thing
did you do the right thing
what are the ramifications of your choices
so wishing aint no good
if you want to move forward
moving forward
means never looking back
so why do i live a lie of saying im moving forward
when i honestly feel like ive left something behind
how can i move forward when my kids whom ive
protected, nutured, taught, laughed with, cried with
are soooo far apart
they no longer have the comfort of one another to shield they're hurts
and im the cause of that gap, a phone call is simply not enough
when they've had sooo much more
but i have to keep moving forward else ill be grounded to this static form of life
where movement is merely prostrating and standing praying that things will work out for the best
things will be how i determine them to be because i have no more room for waiting for them to work out on theyre own...
still day like a secretly higher or lower elevation
daisies on the lamps, scarf thingies on the mirrors, calm cooped nothing else this room danger roses only cup
widening means less compulsory meaning, less responsibility, more responsibility more fabric and communication
----- of gold glass water lump new enough to show everybody with trembling hands
hello im still in this
im still dug in
working relentlessly
to get back to the beginning
to when we first began this dance
dressed in my finest
holding an orchid
waiting for my partner
to come close
waiting for the lights to dim
so its just the two of us
dancing in the dark
we never planned or knew
where we were headed
just that we were headed there together
my hands clasped around your waist
i can still feel your heart beating
against my chest
i can still feel your breath along my neck
but these are just memories
so here i sit
waiting to dance again
2nd verse of recover your mouth
you're a young lion, lion, lion lobotomy
follow me back to my crib if u wanna get top of me
(top or bottom b?) i slyly suggest sodomy
fuck you harder than like playing the lottery
there's a lotta me, i think your mama
and your father'd be sick at the thought of me,
don't talk girl you bother me—
i solemnly swear not to solder the bottom
while the circuit is on, ay, yo
shut the fuck up you big dummy!
That same lady keeps talking, all class long
Fuck this
Saturday, January 28, 2012
little chunks
driving home
it’s easy to lose track of time
and place, phone on the seat
beside me, headset plugged, I am
multi-tasking, I am productive, I go down
my list. Suddenly I swerve
suddenly I want to call my mother
I want a simple call I want
it more than I want anything. I remember instantly
the reality, that we cannot speak, my brain
has made a heartbreaking mistake.
My eyes well, I stay
in my lane, careening forward
I make no more calls.
No one tells you
you will still forget death
after four years.
like a river, flowing
since when did civilization become
reassuring. we could all probably
benefit from some anonymity
to remember where I start
and you end.
Matinee and Dinner with Steffie, age 64
And on
she could be a mud doctor:
ashen, blind, earthy.
We are China bound, and don't dream of impeding,
the inchworms, the locusts.

Cherry Hill
rubbing the lye on our skin and in our hair
running down the hill from the outhouse
to show the grownups,
hoping somewhere in there they might act like them.

i wish
could be longer
but feels like
and forever ago
that i am a good person
where is the window
i want to open
so the world can see me
and i can get back to you
cat moves
no faces
but the one i know
he keeps me because
i love him
New York Desert Narrative
Silencio oh no
than my words
I had too many words
to say to you
so I froze
butter mellow
2nd Place
nother year
2nd place
nother year
2nd place
nother year
2nd place
nother year
2nd place
nother year
2nd place
nother year
evolutionary tale
and juice, and cereal, pecking different bits –
Full on it, long before the meal,
fight like crows, inch-hopping on the sill
Peer in, little face
twisted towards those comrade clowns
They want trouble,
or strong drinks,
The work is body heavy,
for family, city, just cash
Hard hurting spheres that rise up winter skin,
then show themselves in pigment
All motion work is this, so
And I'll take that fresh ice kiss, or maybe just
someone else’s shift -
Fine Birds
My father, he ate me,
My sister, gathered my bones
Tied them in silk,
For the juniper tree.
Tweet, tweet, what a fine bird am I!"
-Brothers Grimm
some remains lie buried
in the south
some sit on a window shelf
in a favorite room closeby
the birds
adorn my skin
they have seeped into my bloodstream
as planned
we continue on our journey
i have grown huge
thanks to you
Jan 28
yo no quiero mi amor
él dice.
bailar conmigo
No sea tímido
Pueda comer? su tío le pregunta
Pero yo puedo
que no nos gusta la misma comida
Come meet my family,
he says.
Dance with me
Don't be shy
Can she cook? His uncle asks
But I can
We just do not like the same food.
Te amo a ella?
No me ama a ella.
¿Me amas?
Yo no te amas.
And that's the way it is.
Un condamné à mort s'est échappé
my new friend,
once thought to be my enemy
we escaped together
and i forgave you even when
you forgot our shoes
and to think
i could have killed you
et j'ai failli ne vous tuer
Friday, January 27, 2012
Car ride with the elderly
How old is she?
Aaw.. Jusy cute as a button
And where did you live in new york?
Oh.. We lived in long island.
Manhattan was too much
and how old is she?
Just two?
Man she's big, that's good
Sure is a beautiful day today.
how's the weather back east?
I bet it's hell..
My husband was a fireman
Over twenty years.
And how old is she?
Oh she's so good
Hasn't said a word
So quiet she is
What do you buy at Sam's Club?
Thats a lot of toilet paper
Lasts a long time huh?
We should shop there honey
Did you have a good afternoon?
So well behaved
How old is she?
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Thursday, January 26, 2012
staying up
a summing up
knowing where I am (occupy poem from the office of dues-paying radical jews)
that go together.
The other voices,
present of course,
but these two lines
are the focus.
I feel as though I am listening better and more deeply than ever before.
It's a fugue, now. That's always tickled my ear but I'm finally able to hear it.
All the violence of my being, where others are concerned, is located in 1) laughter and 2) trying to force other people to understand things I think are beautiful for the reasons I do.
All the violence of my being, where I am concerned, is located in 3) magical unrealistic thinking about love and 4) trying perversely to perfect myself before the arrival of my "twin."
The search for a tolerable reflection has taken up so much of my time that I've missed a lot of other points, like: The two lines aren't the same line, though they're complementary by design.
As regards the magical thinking, I appreciate, finally, the joy in the desolation of this piece, which is where poignancy comes in. Poignancy--now I get poignancy. Thanks.
potatoes sometimes
My Selfish World
in tandem,
the itching point.
Or sow some peace
beneath your branches
when they begin to wilt.
But who among
will be enough?
Who’s hair as black
as anything?
Remember – oiled city-braids
shone fancy
in the basement light,
the dandelion-down across
his forehead,
hens gathered
at the love-in.
Like mother, like daughter
To arrive
To the same
It's a wonder how
We mirror each other
32 years
& 3000 miles apart.
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big morning
late in life my mother told me
she counted sheep
but sometimes that didn't even help
i dreamt i was on a 747
moving through a thick blanket of cloud
you were waiting for me on the other end
but we weren't going to make it
now i know that you are just on a different jet
moving through a different blanket towards me
and that we will both land safely one day
in eachothers presence
i work hard these days
these nights i work harder
the veil is sheer
the veil is impenetrable
all of my nightmares came true
i have nothing left to be afraid of
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
every moment before i die of carbon monoxide poisoning
slack as wk
- Unbelievableqi
- It's new years day
- A v a Mari
- TwP elephants,
- Talking to NFC
- BI can stop lollim
- Yes he su
- Mmmmm
- Well I xoulxxt
- That's ok
- Watch it cone bac
- Aquaan
- Tosses wb
there's a crawl space under the bed
come out and let me
hug you
kiss you
pet you
feel you
see you
smell you
hear you
feed you
need you
don't forget the past the present is only here for a moment
we won't be forgotten
no matter
how high we go
we make our mark
we see ourselves now
and then
everyone sees us now
but everyone sees
a certain you
i like that you are weird
i like